Monday, June 28, 2010

A bird's message..

The thing i want to write here is take from a book that i had lovingly read with all my heart. I hope i can share them with all of you as what the author would do..

Nabi Muhammad SAW's character towards the poor:

Prophet SAW always extended his kindness to both poor and rich.

       "Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that "There was a man amongst the Badouins whose name was Zahir bin Haram. Whenever he came to Madinah for a need, he brought something for the Prophet SAW as a gift, like cottege cheese or butter. Likewise, the Propeht SAW would prepare something to give to him whenever he wanted to leave, such as dates and so on. The Prophet SAW used to love him as say: "Zahir is our Badouin and we are his city-dwellers." Zahir was not very good looking. One day, Zahir (may Allah be pleased with him) left the desert and came to Allah's Messenger SAW but cannot find him. He had some goods to sell so he went to the market place. 

       When the Prophet SAW found out about his arrival, he went to the market place looking for him. When he arrived, he saw him selling his goods with sweat pouring down form his face, and he wore Badouin clothes which did not smell good either. The Prophet SAW hugged him tightly from behind, while Zahir was unaware and could not see who it was.

       Zahir became scared and exclaimed: "Let me go! Who is this?" But the Prophet SAW remained silent. Zahir tried to release himself from his grip and started to look right and left. When he saw the Prophet SAW he relaxed ans calmed down, placing his back against the Prophet's chest. The Prophet SAW began to joke with him, saying to the public: "Who will buy this slave?!"

      Upon hearing that, Zahir looked at himself and thought of his extreme poverty, for he is neither has wealth nor good looks.

      He said: "You will find me unmarketable, O Messenger of Allah."

      The Prophet SAW said: "But you are not unmarketable with Allah. You are very precious to Allah.""

     From here we can see that, how Prophet SAW had extended his kindness across the poor. We cannot be judgmental about people especially when they are poor people. They may had face the hardship of being poor and Allah is testing their faith and patience in being poor. 

       However, even though they are poor, their prayer are always answered by the The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. Thus, if we ever the least give a smile or helping the poor in anyway we could, these people would remember you in their prayer. 

       You will be remembered as person who made their life worthwhile and lessen up their burden. Insyallah, if the prayer is responded, you have actually leveled up your rank in the sight of our beloved Allah, The Most Just and The Most Beneficent.

Insyallah and Amin!

     Muhammad 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-'Arifi. (2008). Enjoy your life. Darussalam. retrieved on 29/06/2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A reason to be good..

Just now I was thinking about what my name really means... Last time i never had a convincing and satisfactory answer but now i have them. 

My dad had told me that my name means the "humanity's peak of excellence" (puncak percapaian pujangga). I like it so much but it does not explain distinctly what it means.. if humans are to reach the goal of excellence, what are the traits of being an excellent human being?

At the same time, my sisters made a brief research about my second name which later to discover that it means "snake". I was quite astounded at that time.. Is it a coincidence that i was born on the snake year (Chinese calender)? I don't know.. i think mum and dad know the meaning of my second name, that is why they give me the name. 

The Prophet pbuh had once said that giving good names reflects the good personality of a person. Calling someone by his or her name is like a prayer for the person to be what the name is bestowed upon them. If her name is Baqarah (female cow) she will possess a personality of a female cow, nauzubillahiminzalik! In contrast, a boy named Muhammad (the Prophet pbuh's name) would posses the same personality of the Prophet pbuh; kind, honest and et cetera, insyallah! 

Today, i made a research on my name to find the secrets behind my name. These are the meanings of my first name: noble, lofty and sublime


  1. high moral qualities; magnanimous; of superior quality or kind; excellent.


  1. of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style;
  2. of imposing height; especially standing out above others;
  3. having or displaying great dignity or nobility


  1. nobility; majestic.
  2. of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth; not to be excelled; supreme.
  3. inspiring awe; impressive.

For my second name, i got two ways to interpret it in light of the culture and the language itself.

Based on the culture of scottish, my second name means "snake". Like i said earlier, that is the meaning that my sisters had found last time.

However, based on the arabic/islamic culture, my second name means " fragments or (a) prose writer"

When i look deeper, i came across the arabic sentence 'nathara al-maa' نثر الماء  which means ‘he sprinkled the water. However, based on another website, 'nathara' means 'to look at'. In the end, i chose the latter because it is easier to understand.

 From all the research that i had made, i can come up with a few meanings of my name:

  1. Sublime / Noble / Lofty Snake - as a snake being sublime, noble and lofty
  2. To look Sublime / Noble / Lofty - as to be seen as a sublime /noble / lofty person
  3. Fragments of Sublime / Nobel / Lofty - to be the part of a sublime / noble / lofty person
  4. A Sublime/ Noble / Lofty prose writer - a straightforward (prose) S/N/L person or writer 

From what had been said, I can see that it is important for us to know the real meaning of our names. Knowing the meaning of our name will motivate us to be the person our parents hope us to be and what Allah expected us to be. In fact, there is no reason to give a name to a person but to hope good things from the person in return. I feel good to know that I've got a very beautiful name with the most beautiful meaning. Alhamdulillah! If this is what Allah SWT and my parents have hope on me, then the real me will truly able to realize the hope behind my beautiful name in the goal to be a true "humanity's peak of excellence".

Insyallah and Amin!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A little bird's love..

2toes tak tau knapa.. tp 2toes rasa 2toes dah jatuh cinta yang amat sangat kat sesorang nie.. Dia baik.. pemurah... berani dan bagi 2toes, dia adalah segalanya. Setiap hari dan malam 2toes ingat kan dier plus yang satu lagi.. Rindu sangat nak jumpa die.. nak kata kat die... 2toes cintakan sangat kat die.. die mungkin tak tahu... tp Insyallah die tahu.. Kalau die tahu.. 2toes akan menjadi orang paling bahagia skali di dunia ini.. Owh, betapa teringinnye 2toes nak jumpa die... kalo 2toes jumpe die, 2toes sanggup buat apa sahaja untuk die. Apa2 sahaja.. insyallah... 

Dia tak ada disisi.. tp 2toes dapat rasakan die dekat dihati.. setiap hari 2toes akan sebut nama dia.. berkali2 2toes rasa sebak..sebab die tak ada disisi.. Kalau die ada, 2toes nak dengar die bercakap.. 2toes nak tolong die dan 2toes nak buat apa2 yang boleh buat die happy and lebih sayangkan 2toes.. Ya Allah..! Bagamanakah 2toes boleh peroleh cintanya... bagaimanakah engkau mencintainya.. 2toes mencintai Allah lebih dari die.. malah dapat merasakan Allah dekat dengan 2toes bile 2toes meningati die. Sesungguhnya tiada lelaki di dunia ini yang 2toes amat2 inginkan selain die.. Tapi die jauh dari 2toes.. macam mana nie..? 

Ya Allah! 2toes pasti cinta ini bukan cinta bayangan syaitan.. ini ialah cinta bawah lindungan-Mu Ya Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang! 2toes tak dapat menahan sebak bila dia semakin jauh.. Ya Allah.. Engkaulah Allah yang Maha Berkuasa... berikanlah peluang aku menikmati cinta ini sehingga ke akhir hayatku.. mungkin ak tak akan mendapat cintanya... biarlah diri-Mu dan dirinya bertakhta di hati kecil ini.. Dalam tidurku, ku sebut nama-mu Ya Allah... setiap kalimah syahadah ku ungkapakan ada nama-Mu dan namanya. 

Mungkin keimanan 2toes tak sehebat mana.. tapi 2toes berharap dapat untuk memperolehinya.. 2toes sangat2 rindukannya..... Ya Allah benarkanlah 2toes berjumpa dengannya diakhirat... benarkan 2toes katakan kepadanya yang 2toes amat2 mencintainya... bukan kerana wajahnya mahupun pangkatnya tp kerana hatinya yang luhur, suci dan sederhana... Ya, dia bersederhana.. itu lah yang 2toes carikan selama ini.. org yang bersederhana dalam hidup... 2toes hanyalah pengembara yang merantau kemana angin-Mu bertiup.. ke selatan ke timur.. ke mana sahaja 2toes akan pergi... tp kesederhanaan itu yang 2toes ingin kekalkan.... biar ia menjadi mahkota di kepala 2toes.. 2toes tak nak jadi lebih mahupun kurang, 2toes nak sederhana sahaja....

Ya, dia mmg sederhana... betapa cintanya 2toes padanya.. air mata asyik mengalir mengingati apa yang pernah dilakukan untuk sahabat mahupun org2 disekelilingnya.. Mulai sekarang, jika ada sesiapa yang bercakap buruk mengenai kekasih 2toes... 2toes tak akan maafkan dia.. 2toes tak akan memaafkan dia sehingga dia meminta maaf kepadanya dan Allah.. 

Ya Allah! Engkaulah yang paling dekat dengan 2toes.. bagaimanakah 2toes dpat dekat dengan Mu? Dekatkanlah 2toes dengan mu.... Ya Allah, dekatkanlah 2toes dengannya.. jika dia baik untuk agama, hidup mati, keluarga, kaum 2toes, dekatkanlah dia pada 2toes and dekatkanlah 2toes pada nya. Jika tidak, jauhkanlah 2toes darinya, jauhkanlah dia dari 2toes.. Namun, 2toes pasti Allah akan mendekatkan 2toes padanya.. 2toes amat2 pasti.. Ya PASTI!! 

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkaulah tuhan yang Maha Adil yang sungguh Halus Perhitungang-Mu. Sesungguhnya pada mu 2toes berserah, kepada mu juga 2toes akan kembali.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The love that I want.. PArt 2

YEs, the love that i want. I don't know what type of love that i really want.. I prayed to Allah to let me met this love of mine.. and guess what i had TWO...... 

Arghhh...!! I don't know whether i should say this is a good thing or a bad thing. One thing for sure is that, i am unaware of their true feelings. Seems like these two birds do not mind flirting with a mere sparrow like me.. Hahaha... (sarcastically).. The first bird said that it doesn't mind to marry me at all.. THAT is HILARIOUS in a CYNICAL kind of way... Did it not notice my Grey Patches... Did it not notice that i am not as COLOURFUlike the other birds...Moreover, this bird had NEVER SEEN me before... I had asked it what does it like about me... The ANSWER is NOT CONVINCING ENOUGH... in the end, i just left him hanging.. but i did not purposely do it.. it is the one that wants to suffer for the sake of love.. 

Another bird is kind of WEIRD.. I don't know whether it likes me or not but i had a feeling that it has. It shows its affections in a way that i can't help but NOTICE.... Hello, i think the flirtations are too obvious that EVERYONE can't help but notice.. Yes, i do had a slight feeling towards this cute little bird but i don't know why i am holding back.. Owh, yeah... I know WHy.... it never CONFESS to me that it is passionate towards me.. I am just GUESSING about this bird's emotion... i am not sure whether this particular bird has such emotion about me...

Either ways, i am INDECISIVE on whether to return the love of any of these two birds... I just don't know for sure... if any of them promise me a great relationship or not...

 That's why I DON'T LIKE to have any BOYFRIEND (s) at the best of times... it will make you CRY, and sound DESPERATE... it will make you SUFFER and make you BLIND.... it'll make you want to LIVE FOREVER and it'll make you want to DIE right at the moment... and lastly, it always makes you feel SPECIAL and STUPID at the SAME TIME... If that is BIRD'S LOVE... i rather love my Allah... Yes, He did all the things that i had mentioned before... but only ONE special thing that any bird can't give and only my Allah can GIVE is satisfaction and serenity... i CAN DEPEND on HIM and i CAN ASK from HIM... He WILL GIVE me ANYTHING if i am good and loyal to him unlike any other birds... Apart from that, He can give me the best bird in the world to love and stay forever with...and i can't say a thing about it because He KNOWS WHAT'S BEST for me. To You, i give my life and to You, i will return... AMIN!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

The love that I want..

Meteor Garden Ending Song 

Sui ran jing chang meng jian ni
Hai shi hao wu tou xu
Wai mian zheng zai xia zhe yu
Jing tian shi xing qi ji
BUT I DON’T KNOW ni qu na li

Sui ran bu ceng huai yi ni
Hai shi tan te bu ding
Shui shi ni de na ge wei yi
Yuan liang wo huai yi zi ji

Wo ming bai Wo yao de ai
Hui ba wo chong huai
Xiang yi ge xiao hai Zhi dong zai ni huai li huai
Ni yao de ai Bu zhi she yi lai
Yao xiang ge da nan hai
Feng chui you ri sai
Sheng huo zi you zi zai

Sui ran jing chang meng jian ni
Hai shi hao wu tou xu
Wai mian zheng zai xia zhe yu
Jing tian shi xing qi ji
BUT I DON’T KNOW ni qu na li

Sui ran bu ceng huai yi ni
Hai shi tan te bu ding
Shui shi ni de na ge wei yi
Yuan liang wo huai yi zi ji

Wo ming bai Wo yao de ai
Hui ba wo chong huai
Xiang yi ge xiao hai Zhi dong zai ni huai li huai
Ni yao de ai Bu zhi she yi lai
Yao xiang ge da nan hai
Feng chui you ri sai
Sheng huo zi you zi zai

Wo ming bai Wo yao de ai
Hui ba wo chong huai
Xiang yi ge xiao hai Zhi dong zai ni huai li huai
Ni yao de ai Bu zhi she yi lai
Yao xiang ge da nan hai
Feng chui you ri sai

Sheng huo zi you zi zai


Although I often dream of you I still have no idea
It's raining outside which day is it today

But I don't know where you went

Although I have never doubted you I still feel uneasy
Who is your one and only Forgive me for doubting myself

I understand The love I want Will spoil me
Like a little child Who only knows how to be bad in your arms
The love you want Is not just reliance
Must be like a man Even in bad weather Leads a carefree life

Although I have never doubted you I still feel uneasy
Who is your one and only Forgive me for doubting myself

I understand The love I want Will spoil me
Like a little child Who only knows how to be bad in your arms
The love you want Is not just reliance
Must be like a man Even in bad weather Leads a carefree life

I understand The love I want Will spoil me
Like a little child Who only knows how to be bad in your arms
The love you want Is not just reliance
Must be like a man Even in bad weather Leads a carefree life

Meteor Garden Ending Song – Jay Chow Music Code

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ya Allah! Ampunilah dosaku..!!

2toes tak sedar selama nie 2toes amat mementingkan diri sendiri.. walaupun setakat beberapa hari sahaja, tp 2toes rasa macam nak burst mcm sebiji balloon... Td makan pun tak sdap.. ok2.. so what.. mrk pun makan tak sedap... tp kenape bru skrg bg makan tak sedap... kenape bile org tgh nak ujian2 ni pulak bg makan tak sedap???? Itu satu soalan yang amat tak sedap nak didengar... Ok2, 2toes mmg terkenal dgn suka makan banyak.. so, sbb tue 2toes bising... 2toes tak suka makanan kat sini... memang sgt2 tak suka... lebih rela massak sendiri... or the least i can do is to cook an instant noodles using the microwave.. much easier and mopre delicious....

Lagi satu benda yang 2toes tak suka tp mmg masalah 2toes sendiri... heloo (ini utk diri sendiri ok???!!) cube ko jgn letakkan org lain sama kepala mcm engko, 2toes.. mereka lain.. ko tu lain... tp ko masih nak marah jugak... cube sabar skit... SABAR.... SABAR>>>>>> SABAR>>>>>>>. 

Adakah 2toes tension... ye mmg 2toes tension... nie adalah subject yang 2toes mmg mati-matian tak suka sbb 2toes tak pernah dpt C pun dlm esaimen.. mana tak nye... Encouragement nak bukak mata nak belajar semua pun 2toes tak dpt... mmg betul la org kata kalo tak suka satu benda tue.. mmg tak akan dpt buat punyer.. lain la kalau org yang sgt2 brilliant kat luar sana... 2toes salute korang...... korang patut bersyukur korang pandai and lebih baik dari 2toes... I admire everyone of them... 

Sampai sekarang, 2tpes tak tau nak buat apa lagi.... Tp i cannot run away from the situation i am now... The only thing that i should do now is to JUST DO IT!!! Allah dah bagi ujian nie sbg challange ko, 2toes... so, do u need to run away... 2toes mmg jahat... tp kalo 2toes lagi jahat.. dah lama 2toes larikan diri dari asrama and travel kat sekeliling NZ tanpa belajar... lagi sedap bunyinye kan...? Tak perlu belajar benda yang 2toes tak nak belajar.... Kenape org sume nak paksa 2toes buat benda yang 2toes tak suka? OWh ye... lupe plak... 2toes ni tak 'marketable' pun dimata sape2.. so mrk sume nak naikan 'market' 2toes so mrk paksa 2toes buat benda yang 2toes tak suka.. hila 2toes buat benda yang 2toes suka buat... mrk perlekehkan pulak.. APA NIE.. cube la puji skit ke apa ke? nie nak perli2 plak... kalo jeles cakap je jeles... jgn nak mrosakkan motivation yang 2toes ada dalam diri nie.. kalo 2toes diberi kesempatan 2toes nak buat benda lain... Lain dari yang lain... 2toes nak belajar tentang sejarah Islam and nak ajar agama Islam.. kalo 2toes bleh jadi pendakwah,, 2toes nak jadi... at least kerje macam ni baut 2toes dekat dgn Allah daripada menjauhkan diri daripada-Nya... Tiada yang lebih baik bg 2toes daripada belajar mengenali Dia... Dia kan cantik, baik, adil... kalo org nak evaluate 2toes pun... 2toes nak Dia evaluate 2toes... 2toes tak kisah pun.... 

Ya ALLAH! Kenapa 2toes makin jauh dari-Mu..??? Setiap kali ada masalah ke atau 2toes tension, 2toes slalu naik marah tak tentu pasal... dah la tue,, sume org tak suka 2toes bile 2toes marah.. tak de sape2 pun yang cube nak tenangkan 2toes... ye... betul... tak de bende lain yang bleh tenangkan 2toes kecuali Allah! Harap2 ujan hari nie dpt kurangkan kemarahan 2toes... 2toes rasa macam nak amik air smyg skrg and bertakafakur... Ya Allah... 2toes betul2 berseah pada-Mu sahaja atas setiap perbuatan 2toes... 2toes dah fed up nak tentukan mana yang benar dan tak patut di buat.... 2toes refer kat Allah saja sebagai petunjuk... Ya Allah.... 2toes tgh memintak tolong nie.. kalo bleh bantulah, kuatkanla ingatan dan kefahaman 2toes dalam ujian kelak... 2toes sedar 2toes mmg banyak buat tak tau jee... Allah pun tahu 2toes mmg suka benda2 yang seronok je.. yang tak best 2toes put aside... betul2.. mmg amat benar.. Sepanjang 2toes kat sini.. semua benda 2toes buat.. 2toes dah buat yang terbaik.. kalau tak dapat jugak mmg 2toes rasa ini mmg kehendak Allah... Mmg ketentuan-Nya.. tiada siapa dpt mengatasi ketentuan-Nya... Percayalah kepada diri sendiri 2toes... semua ni ko buat untuk Allah... belajar la benda ni sume kerana Allah.. ko tak tau lagi mcm mana nak incorporate semua yang ko blaja ni ke arah mendapat keberkatan Allah... tp mesti ada sebab disebalik sume benda yang Allah dah tentukan, kan??? Toksah nangis... toksah nak bising and marah.. buat je... yang penting ialah 2toes kena berserah kepada Allah and Allah alone..bukan itu ke maksud Islam sebenar... Berserah kepada Allah dalam setiap perkara dgn usaha... so, berusahala biarpun pada saat yang terakhir.. ko tak akan menyesal punye 2toes.... Insyallah, ko akan berjaya dalam apa yang ko buat.... Kalo ko dpt result apa2 pun... itu.. Allah yang tentukan.... YA, Allah yang tentukan... 

Nway,.... 2toes nak beri semangat pada diri sendiri.... Berusaha 2toes buat la apa yang patut.. in the end you are still alive to make another difference in this world... Amin!!! Ittakullah huma dua' ana Ya Allah!! 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How do you study?

Hi again...

It is almost the day of my important test but i still don't know how to study anymore... I don't know what i should do.. Last time i thought that all i can do is just open the book and read what is inside but i was wrong. I still don't know how to study at all. All i can do now is just do what i think is the best.. Sometimes i was thinking why am i here at the first place...Why do they send me here? Am i that good to be here... Hello.. this is Uni of Auckland for crying out loud.. where else in this world a student want to be rather than the top 50 university in the world? I want to be successful but i just don't know how and where to start... If i know how to study, you would not be seeing me writing this ground breaking news... "2toes doesn't know HOW TO STUDY!!!!" Arggggghhhhh! i feel so stupid right now compared to other people.. i don't want to be stupid but i was thinking that i am. Why do i need to study all these damn things that i don't know how to use or even have a slightest clue about them? All we need is to understand and incorporate them in our lives, right? So, why do we need assessment? Owh.... they want to know if i understand them.... but if i fail.... what do they do? they will say that "2toes... you FAIL!!' and that is the end of my motivational foundation to be a teacher.. A teacher should know something .. if she fail.. then.. does that means she can still teach? Tell me something about studying.. owh... it is just one of the obstacles that Allah is giving to me.. but Ya Allah!! please tell me what i should do? I really don't know a thing about studying? How did Ibn Sina study? How did Al-Biruni study? They study what they like right? I don't know whether i like what i am studying rite now... Arghhh... now i am tooooo damn lazy to write how i feel.. bye bye!!!! >0<

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pantun Ujian Jumaat

Burung-burung terbang kembara,
Merentas angin, taufan dan ribut,
Semangat ku kini kian membara,
Ujian jumaat ini akan ku sahut.

Helangku letih hinggaplah di dahan,
Pipitku lesu tak selera makan,
Susah dan letih memang tak tahan,
Hanya Allah kita memohon kekuatan.

Curahan air telaga Kauthar,
Sungguh nikmat impian semua,
Ingat ini ujian Allah sekadar,
Kepada-Nya juga kembali kita semua.