Thursday, February 18, 2010

My best photos...

Ni la dier barisan gambar2 yang 2toes boleh be proud of... Dun forget to vote mana satu pics yang korg suke.. (belah kiri blog nie) 2toes tak kisah kalo korg suka muka separuh 2toes ke or gambar bunge ke..just vote and let me hear your comments...Enjoy and comment la puas2.. 2toes tak kisah korg komen buruk ke or good ke, 2toes jawab jgk tapi state la kenape buruk and kenape good.... .. kalau 2toes dalam mood yang baik.. korang selamat.. kalo tak.. huhu.. rasanye ..mcm kata2 org2 put; 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words would never hurt me'... Entah la nak kata perkataan tu boleh menyakitkan atau tak.. Kalo tak suka kena hurt, tutup telinga and mata.. korg toksah dgr and lihat perkataan tu.. huhu!


Haaa! Ini la jambatan yang selalu 2toes lalui to go to the Huia Residence.. Nothing special tp besh la jgk.. ada kubur down there... But not the least scary, lagi pun..Nway, 2toes dok kat International House.. kalo nak lepak ngan friends at Huia, 2toes lalu la jambatan ni.. Tpkan, pelik laa... ada ke hood jambatan ni dibuat guna glass.. dah la mcm half2 je.. hujan kena hot from the sun pun hit my face je.. hmm, ni la kesan architecture yang tak masuk brain.. huhu.. Alah, asal beautiful, di lancarkan oleh org VVIP and got some awards..apa wrong-nye.. huhu!

Auckland I am HERE!!!!

Hello!!! Finally, 2toes dpt present kat blog ni setelah lama tak dpt reach internet. Yeah, 2toes dah berada di bandar Auckland.. YiiiiHaaaaa! Pertama kali 2toes bring my first step kat auckland.. fulamaks! Sama jer macam kat Malaysia.. tak banyak beza pun... Bayangkan suasana di KL or Kuching... bleh la a little bit. Anyway, I'd got stomach and separuh of my betis and foot rasa cramp. Korang tau tak... even though kat auck ni tgh summer but the wind buat suasana mcm autumn. SEJUKs yang amat la very. I am not talking about as cold as nak terkencing waktu duduk kat dewan kuliah yang ber'air-conditioned', but sejuk yang menusuk ke tulang black and setiap sel yang bernafas di body-ku ini.. T.T.. Tapi, dah dekat nak seminggu lebih.. 2toes dah dpt biasakan diri...

Haaa... Ni nak britau korg, td 2toes dpt goody bag for my O-Week (orientation week). Yng 2toes tergezut.. mereka siap sediakan Mr. Condom lagi... Honestly, daku was shocked, so I took the liberty to throw it into my roomate's dustbin. Hehe! Mrk ada bagi dental floss (peliknye), instant Maggie (bukan maggie mee tau, benda ni instant pasta sume tue), Cadbury (kat sini ada variety of Cadbury)... and memacam lagi.. hmmm, tak sabar nak O-week.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hingus meleleh dah kering! Huahahah!

Seperti yang ter tulis di atas... Hingus me dah lost...! Me so happy but still batuk light2 jer.
Like yesterday ; kami buat donut lagi..Another of his 'bpak rasa lapar lagi jom masak sumthing..' mood. Alahai bapak! tapi kali ni lebih banyak lagi mcm mass produce plak. Alah, lagi banyak lagi bagus. Kali ni kami sedakah kat anjang and wa kat darat.
Nasib baik tak jumpe 'budak tu' kat sana. Buat I nak penyek die biar die squashed on the toilet floor. Ak ada gaduh ngan mak tadi.. Hal sipi2 je... tp ak emo lak..Biasa la ak... Tadi aku baca buku crite yang didi nak hadiahkan kat ak.. "Cinta kau dan aku by Siti Rosmizah". (teddy if you r reading now; tu buku yang kamu dok cbuk suruh ak bace tp amin yang bace lalu kamu bagi die tu). Bleh tahan gak crite die..

Satu lagi.. aku tgh geram ngan lappy ak...
Susah payah I snapped some pics waktu process 'donut-ing', fikir bleh bluetooth kat lappy, end up tak berbuah. Kalo tak, musti salivate korang sume tgk pics tu mcm haiwan kajian Pavlov (Bukak la kat wiki pasal theory Pavlov, huhu! Aku malas nak buat pautan.) Nway.. tgk la nanti, kalo i can selesaikan this probs.. i'll let u all know..

2moro, i'll be going out with hamadah.. My one of my bestfren in meow2 city...Do hope i will be able to ride her motosikal without bpak knowing but i still have a feeling that he will know.. Haaaa! i knw.. korg la yang britau nanti kan.. lbh baik i dont try.. takpe2.. mak yang hantar nanti although she got a class 2moro. I dah sudi nak chia minah nie makan... nak jgk ak seret die ke india street sbb i want to beli sum souveniers for my future pensyarah (org puts). Still, i don't have any baju national utk wear kat sana... MACAM MANA NIIIIIEEE! Tak kan ak nak pakai spender and baju dalam buatan/belian Malaysia kat sana kalo ada gathering.... ??? No2, lebih baik ak menyorok bile ada gathering.. pg bungee jumping ke, air jumping ker,.. or mengorat masykt peribumi NZ; the Maoris.. Hey, apa salah nye... I like lelaki badan muscle2... mcm mamat wolf crite Twilight gitu2... Fuyoo! tu kalo ada , mmg kebang idung aku kot... alah stakat amik gambar boleh buat ak show kat korg tu pun dah ckup ok jgk kan? Huahahahahaha!

P/s Gamba bird kat atas tu adalah to feed your imaginasi on hw i will do my air jumping... Terer tak? I know i terrer! Hahahah!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I am still sick...!

Today i still have the flu that i mysteriously caught during my holiday in KL. What a miserable selsema! Nway, I cooked a tasty lauk this morning.... 'sayur sawi masak belacan'. Bpak said "sedap kamu masak sayur nie". My eyes are blinking like this (0.o) and my hati swell like an almost popped balloon..(Pruuuuutttttt!). It's really hard to get a cooking compliment from the chef rumah....

Like always...bpak will have his 'bpak rasa lapar lagi jom masak sumthing..' mood, he would call me and i have to help him with his new recipe of the month:- donut..Dah dekat nak dua hari bpak cube buat donut mcm kat the Spring tp tak jadi... T. T .. But bpak tak give up and keep pushing himself (termasuk aku sekali la tue..) to produce the softest, gebu-est, sedap-est and the most beautiful donut he ever created in this very house in Taman Murni... Bapak2...I love your passion, even though you kept on calling me to help while i am watching 'Zombieland' (yesterday) and 'Fruits Basket' (today). While he was frying the donuts, he recalled his memories when he was a handsome bachelor with a few extraordinary gifts. Here, he focused on the time when someone asked him to cook some donuts for them, aku cakap as in like an order. So he mixed, floured and kneaded the mould. Fry it and serve it to this person.. Guess what...? The person said that his donuts are not tasty... (Bodo ke?! Hello, susah payah org buat.. sedap2 je kata tak sedap.. kalo tau tak sedap nape suruh buat at the first place?). Bpak was stunned and tergezut... he never really thought he could receive such comment.. After that .... i dunno what happen...To make bpak feel better, i told him that "Alah, ada je org kat umah nie makan.. sedap apa donut bapak". He just smiled and continue tossing the golden donut with a chopstick...Nway, the oil from the wok (kuali) splashed during the frying (actually it always happens) and landed on bapak's middle finger and his forehead. French oil to the rescue!! (tak boleh minyak gamat! Bapak tak suka bau bende hitam tue)

Mak pulak lain cerita... blog ni ada apps utk attach files ke? Ak tak jumpe pun. Siang tadi mak mintak tolong nk postkan sumthing kat blognye. Aku yang tgh hot sbb bpak call for help seterusny tolong mak and rasanye ada sedikit terkasar.. (sorry mak!). Nway, kami kuar bli ikan and end up bli kepala ikan.. hahah.. Lalu kami bertiga (mak, bpak and I), masak ikan masak asam and kangkung sambal tumis udang dari tin amik dalam peti ais... Sedap sampai meleleh hingus sbb pedas and 'nyaman'. Hahahahah!

Amin bru introduce aku dgn satu lagu yang cukup comei.. korng cube la dgr... Owl's city-fireflies. Comei sgt mcm budak2...hehe.. Owh amin... blaja la betul2..